Trade shows and conventions are a great way to meet current and prospective clients face to face. These opportunities for networking can often prove vital to any company positioning themselves within their respective markets. Every vendor and company is looking to stand out with a unique trade show booth ideas to attract positive press. Staying ahead of the crowd puts a company in an enviable position to build their market presence.

Let’s take a look at some practical and effective exhibit marketing ideas.

Step #1: Getting Your Brand In Front Of Every Trade Show Attendee At the Event

Trade show marketing ideasWith so many companies vying for attention, you need a way to grab their attention from the get-go. Contact the event coordinator and arrange to provide free logo imprinted canvas bags that attendees can use to carry the loot they collect throughout the day. Another option is to provided logo imprinted lanyards for the convention’s ID badges.

Not only will this branded item will be one of the first objects that every attendee will come into contact with, it positions you as a leading company at the show. More importantly, every person at the trade show will be advertising your brand as they carry around your bag or sport your lanyard.

Step #2: Take Your Offer Further: Give Them a Reason To Stop By and Participate At Your Trade Show Booth

Customizable Scratch Off CardsIf you are providing the bags or lanyards for the tradeshow, you have a unique opportunity to literally invite every attendee to your booth. This is your opportunity to stuff the bag or attach to the lanyard something irresistible that will drive attendees to your booth. For example, offering every visitor a scratch card or a fortune cookie that reveals a code that may unlock a prize vault at your booth or a chance to step into a Cash Cube Money Machine where they will have 30 seconds to grab at cash, funny money that can be spent on your products or services, or coupon vouchers for free offers.

The Psychology Behind Trade Show Marketing

#1 Driving Traffic: Getting people to visit a convention booth is the key to generating leads and contacts. Every effective trade show booth idea that attracts attention is another potential sale or growth opportunity. Beyond promotional items, interacting with attendees and hosting activities and ice-breakers will often attract a substantial crowd.

#2 Establishing Your Brand: Effective convention booth marketing ideas revolve around building a brand and exposing clients and customers to a company’s overall business. This exposure is achieved through branding via the creation of logos and slogans that convey a company’s unique products or services. One of the most widely used and effective exhibit marketing ideas is to give away promotional items that incorporate those logos and slogans.

Promotional items serve two purposes when it comes to brand marketing. First, practical items will act as a constant, passive source of advertising to a client as they are used. Secondly, those same items will also spread awareness of the company as trade show attendees bring them back to their places of employment or homes. Offering free promotional items is an excellent exhibit marketing idea that provides targeted advertising to pinpoint potential clients.

A trade show booth idea that is unique and can tie into a company’s products or services will ultimately generate buzz around a booth. Exhibit marketing ideas are about getting the word out on a company and establishing a presence and reputation in a market. Good convention booth marketing ideas separate the successful displays from the rest of the crowd.


About the author:

Jonathan Edelman provides helpful advice about trade show strategies. With years of experience in the trenches, he is an expert on booth displays, follow up techniques, and using trade show marketing strategies to boost revenue.