Trade Show Marketing: Utilizing The Web For Optimal Results

Trade Show Marketing: Utilizing The Web For Optimal Results Online trade show marketing gives exhibitors an opportunity to attract their target customers to their trade show booth. Since the company website is already attracting the right customers, why not use this benefit to its fullest advantage? An effective online trade show marketing plan should contain four main components in order to inform website visitors about upcoming trade shows and provide them with incentives to attend.

Provide A List Of Scheduled Trade Shows

Listing all of the trade shows that a business plans to attend on their website can be a central component of a online trade show marketing. Knowing the particulars of the various events ahead of time, you and your customers can schedule the time needed to gear up for an event.

If a business attends many shows throughout the year, online trade show marketing should be a dedicated page for all show information. If a business only attends one show a year, this information can be added to a temporary page or simply included on the home page for the duration of pre-show marketing.

When customers visit the website, they should be able to find all of the information they might need to know about each event including the exact location, time, and products that will be promoted. This will also provide plenty of time for you to use online trade show marketing to publicize the event and expand the number of target customers actively seeking out your booth.

Give Detailed Directions

Trade shows are often held in massive venues and can contain hundreds of different trade show displays and booths. Unless you have paid for premium placement, customers may have difficulty finding your trade show booth.

A detailed map of the venue is a valuable online trade show marketing tool in this regard. Just be sure to highlight where your booth will be located as well as your booth number. A simplified map to the venue is also helpful. Customers will be far more likely to attend the trade show and visit your trade show booth if the venue and the exact location of your exhibit are easy to find.

Tickets And Appointments

One of the main goals of online trade show marketing is to make the event an important date on your customer’s calendar. In order to accomplish this, customers need to feel important and that the event will be worth their time. Include a form on your website that allows customers to schedule an appointment with you at the trade show event.

This will send the message to your existing customers that they are valuable and you will make time to meet with them one-on-one rather than having them wait in line. As an added incentive to make an appointment, provide free admission tickets to the event for all of your existing customers.

Hold An Online Contest

An online contest can be an excellent component to an online trade show marketing plan, For example, offer website visitors the opportunity to fill out an online contest ballot. Then, hold the drawing at a certain time during the trade show. Customers will need to stop by your booth to find out who won! This idea can be taken one step farther by allowing the customer to print off a ticket that can be turned in at the trade show for a discount or mystery prize.

Online trade show marketing does not just attract customers to your trade show booth. This method draws in customers that have a need for the particular product or service offered by your company. By providing website visitors with a particular incentive to attend your event and making it easy for your customers to find your trade show booth, profits and opportunities will flourish.